Monday, 6 August 2012

5.8.2012 • Mr. M.S.E.’s Moustache

Of Mr. M.S.E.’s Moustache

Sir, your moustache, it is not a contemptible moustache at all. Indeed, if ever I were to say anything whatever of your moustache, it would have to be something rather in the way of praise, if at the very least of a relative praise, taking into account the tendencies that pervade our current world and your rather young age, which both would and do normally obstruct the evolution of such a moustache as yours, or comparative, as to your peers in age and profession who seldom if ever cultivate such a dignified and respectable moustache, a moustache as it were which is worth of mention, at least when the discussion inevitably (as it does, does it not?) strays into the rather shady if not murky grounds of facial hair. And indeed within the subject of well-worn facial hair it must be said that a moustache well worn (if I may once again use this expression) is the rarest of all cases, and especially so in this day and age. And thus one so concerned at times, and so neglecting at others, yet so conscious and so various in his situation (a state of affairs which, though prompted by the interchange between carelessness and care, brings unparalleled experience and a much refined taste) as to the matter of the grooming of the beard, one so seasoned (I say) as I in the matter of beards would have no choice but to offer you a word if not two of congratulation, and so honouring my honest and most firm opinion on the matter at hand, allow me to do so now in this brief yet meaningful discourse on the same matter, that is facial hair in general and moustaches in particular, or to be even more specific almost to the point of candour, your own moustache, which as I did allude to before is rather remarkable in its condition and a clear indication of an especially refined taste on your behalf.

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